My life has been filled with experiences of God’s grace and goodness to me. He has surrounded me with amazing people and gifted me with specific inclinations. My talents and work are not my own, and so I hope to live the rest of my life glorifying God with the passions He has instilled into me. I hope to continuously serve God and the people He has placed in my life.

Love Patiently | Inspire Willingly | Give Freely | Live Genuinely | Think Creatively


Love Patiently | He first loved us

Loving someone takes patience. It is an action showed by sacrifices you are willing to make. I strive to be patient in love, because God has loved me patiently.


Inspire Willingly | glory that’s not ours

Often times we love to hog all the glory when the glory is not ours in the first place. We forget that God gets all the glory. We are merely a reflection of His glory.  I strive to willingly inspire others to pursue greatness and achieve it.


Give Freely | Without restraint or selfish gain

Our talents are not our own, because every good gift come from God. Give to God and others without restrain and selfish gain.


Live Genuinely | Live out what you believe in

Integrity is the sum of it all. Jesus is our role model. Follow Christ in all that He does. Pursue Him earnestly. Let no fault be found in you. Be genuine in how we love others. Genuine in-sight and out-of-sight. Humility.


Think Creatively | Problem solve

Problem solving requires creativity. With all the necessary tools given, by His grace, we can start working on solving problems that plagues our society today.