Beyond Limits | Aja


The limit does not exist.

When we have a dream or vision that we want to pursue, we are typically motivated and enthused in the beginning. We are passionate and determined to make our dreams a reality. After initial success, we are happy and confident. But when we hit a bump in the road, when we don’t live up to our own expectations, when someone criticizes you, what happens?

We grow discouraged. We start questioning our ability to achieve our dreams. We engage in self-isolating behaviors. We become frustrated and are tempted to give up. We try to find another way out, another dream we can pursue to pillow our bruised ego.

But when others try to limit you, don’t limit yourself. When others don’t believe in you, believe in yourself. Don’t allow someone to tell you what your limits are. The criticism of others only reveals the level of your confidence.

You set your own limits, so your growth is uncapped. You can become who you want to be, if you push yourself past your comfort zone everyday. Tune out the negativity and the criticism, pursue growth, and hold your head up high.
