Perspective | Ava


You can’t control your situation, but you can control your view.

Human beings are far more similar than we give ourselves credit for. Sure, we may look different, speak different languages, and eat different types of food, but the majority of us feel similarly and struggle with the same insecurities and weaknesses.

I’ve always battled anxiety and a paralyzing fear of the unknown. I’m terrified of what I don’t know, and oftentimes (more often than I’d like to admit), I try to obsess over every little detail that I can in the hopes that I can control the future. But the truth is, there are so many things in life that we can’t control.

Instead of trying to control what we can’t, I wonder if our time would be better spent trying to embrace our situation. I wonder if, instead of focusing on what we don’t know, we focus on the good that is happening around us, no matter how small it seems.

Perhaps we would be happier, mind and body. What would your life look like? I know I would be more content, more at peace, and filled with more joy. I pray that I learn to practice gratitude for the smallest things, so that l can see all the beauty life has to offer.
