Real | Gabriella


Raw and unfiltered.

Society is very different today than what it used to be, in both good ways and bad. We have made incredible advancements in technology and people have easier access to opportunities. Our perspectives have changed greatly as well. Nowadays, feelings have become facts.

Humans are emotional beings. It’s a small part of what makes us human. But there is something to be said when our emotions threaten to erase and overrule reason. More often than not, our emotions can not change the reality and truth of the situations we may find ourselves in.

People have become scared to speak their mind openly with confidence because they are scared of offending others. Those few who are still honest are met with contempt and ridicule, often leading to them being “cancelled.”

But perhaps we should welcome such honesty. After all, if people are not free to have open discussion and conversation, then we as a society would not grow. Even if the opinion is incorrect, then speaking about it would provide an opportunity for truth to be exposed. May we be a society that navigates difficult times and conversations well.
