Health Is Motion | Incline


A full-scope change.

I’ve always been an athletic person. Picking up sports has always come quite naturally and intuitively with me and I’ve never really had much of a challenge with it. Since it was always part of school curriculum, and since I had the metabolism of my youth, I never really thought I would have to intentionally create time for sports and exercise.

But all of that changed once I moved out on my own and I started working full-time. Exercise and fitness so easily become an afterthought and unfortunately weight gain becomes a little too common.

We don’t want to work out because we don’t have time, but the truth is we just don’t want to. But if I waited to start exercising until I want to, I would never start working out. Once I started working out, the first thing to change was my mind. I became much more self-disciplined and resilient in order to shape my body the way I wanted it to be. My attitude changed and so did my confidence.

Health is motion, in both mind and body.
