Evergreen | Irina


Look beyond and you will understand everything better.

Oftentimes, the business of life sneaks up on us. Bills, rent, and the dreadfully long nine to five do little but slowly wear away at our souls. We sit in heavy traffic to and from work, listening to radio stations rattle on about the weather, politics, and current events.

This happens everyday doesn’t it?

Our entire being was not created to live a life like this. We need to refresh our hearts and minds, and sometimes the best way to do this is to get out of the house, get out of the office, and into nature.

Nature speaks to something inside of us that longs for more - more than the repetitive and mundane. It reminds us that there is something out there that is greater, more powerful, and more beautiful than our everyday problems. When we place the beauty and majesty of creation next to our issues, the difficulties dim and our perspectives shift.

So let us remember that beyond our small, everyday lives, there is a force greater than what we can ever comprehend. And let us live and walk with certainty and hope that all the disappointments and failures of this world will pass away in due time.