Lost in Griffith | Justine


Not all those who wander are lost.

When I was a child, I always dreamed of the type of person I would be as an adult. As a child, I was quiet, introverted, shy, painfully self-conscious, and terrified of just about everything. I loved to read, write, and play music. I loved solitude and people watching. I was never bored because my own imagination could entertain me for hours.

As an adult, I thought I would be confident, outgoing, friendly, and would have the ability to make friends easily. But that was not the case. Once I realized that the idealized version of me was not the “me” that actually existed in reality, I became extremely ashamed and discouraged.

I felt lost and it felt like I began to wander from the path that I had created for myself. I didn’t know what to do with my life anymore, I had doubts about my career and where I was in my life, and the future scared me.

But in this season of being lost, I was able to find myself. I realized that growing into the person I want to be takes pain and discomfort. It makes me push past my comfort zone. And though I may not know exactly where I’m going, growth happens when I can learn to dance through the forest and smile throughout the process.
